Friday, July 16, 2010

Movie Review: Predators

I recently saw the movie Predators starring Adrien Brody and Topher Grace. While I enjoyed the first Predator movie, I'd have to say that this movie lacked some luster and while visually cool, wasn't what I was hoping for in the movie.

The basic premise is this: A group of elite warriors are stolen from Earth and placed on a jungle planet. For this hunt, 7 humans taken. Each of which was a combatant from a different country and each had a different specialty. The character types were quite cliche as well. For example, a Japanese Yakuza who in his last move of desperation fights off and kills a Predator with a Samurai Sword. Another way I'd have to look at the way this movie was done would be to call it Campy, and some people would agree. Each of these 7 characters got air dropped on this planet with weapons that they were carrying at the time of abduction from earth and that's all they had. Soon after landing the 7 characters meet each other and begin to work together to figure out what is going on, and where they are. The "Where" question is answered when they come to an opening and see multiple moons and planets above them. After getting a small taste of what they are up against, Adrien Brody's character figures it out. He then begins to recite the story of Schwarzenegger's character and begins to make the connection. From there the movie just loses me. Not because there was anything complicated, but because it was so straight forward. The typical formula emerges: The characters get picked off one by one and then its down to 3, Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, and a Female Sniper. And just before it gets down to that, Lawrence Fishburn makes a short cameo as a soldier who has managed to survive on the planet for some time and has taken refuge in a crashed alien vessel and remained hidden from the Predators. Too bad he dies 10 minutes after you see him. Anyway back with the predictable plot: When they get down to the last 3, a plan is made to get off the planet which ultimately goes awry, Topher's character has a big revelation, and the 3 predators that have been chasing them ultimately meet their end. Oh and they help one Predator they found tied up escape and it in turn fights off another predator. (Exciting right?).

While I won't spoil the ending, I will have to say that it was quite anti-climactic and left me saying "REALLY? I mean REALLY!?".  Bottom line, wait for this to come out on DVD if you're at all interested in seeing it. I kinda wish I did now.

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