Friday, July 30, 2010

My Top 5 List of Current PS3 Games - Number 4: inFamous

Number 4 on my countdown of Top 5 current Playstation 3 games is yet another Playstation exclusive. This time, the electrically charged super hero adventure of inFamous.
This game is an amazing game with lots to do and find. The open world environment lets you truly explore just about anywhere. Just about every building, structure, lamp post etc... is climbable.  (Falling in water will kill you though seeing as though you are full of electricity)

You play as Cole Mcgrath an average guy that gets caught in a gigantic electrical explosion (Saying what it actually is would give it away). Needless to say, the city gets ravaged. Many buildings are left in rubble, and other parts have erupted in chaos and criminal gangs are slowly taking over different turfs.

While many were killed in the initial blast, Cole soon discovers he's got new abilities in the form of electrical powers. He can shoot electricity from his hands and incapacitate people. But this is just the start. As you progress through the game you can upgrade the strength and type of powers. You are also offered a choice of good or evil. The game constantly offers you choices of what you can do and it will either raise your good or bad Karma. Depending on which route you take, will drastically effect the type of powers you can upgrade to. Also different actions will cause your Karma to go one way or another. For example, you can heal fallen citizens with an electrical jolt for positive Karma points. Or you can suck the energy out of them for negative Karma points. One way you can almost look at it is the Light or Dark sides of The Force.

The main goal of the game is to find out what was the cause of the explosion and eventually destroy it or keep it for your own evil purposes. Along the way you take over and "clean up" the different territories. There are many different side missions to embark on in addition to the main story line. Plus there are 350 "blast shards" to find through out the game. Hunting those down alone will keep you busy for hours. But finding them helps increase the amount of power you posses so finding them is a good thing especially for later parts in the game.

This game is definitely one worth checking out. It may take you good amount of time to complete all the tasks and find all the "blast shards" but doing all that is actually quite rewarding. The multiple endings and ability to choose Good or Bad give the game good replay value. Like Little Big Planet I also look forward to the upcoming sequel to inFamous. The E3 trailers and footage that were shown have already hooked me in. Now the wait...

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Skyba Media Video Podcast by Mike Skyba is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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Skyba Media Blog by Mike Skyba is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.